Documents from the Paris Commune

The Revolutionary Federation of Communes, 1871

The disastrous situation in which the country finds itself, the powerlessness of official power, and the indifference of the privileged classes have placed the French nation at the edge of the abyss.

If the people, organized in a revolutionary way, doesn’t hasten to act, its future is lost, the revolution is lost, all is lost. Inspired by the immensity of the danger, and considering that the desperate action of the people cannot be delayed a single instant, the delegates of the Federated Committees of Salvation of France, gathered at the Central Committee, propose the immediate adoption of the following resolutions:

Art. 1 having become powerless, the administrative and governmental machinery of the state is abolished.

The people of France return to full possession of themselves.

Art. 2 All criminal and civil tribunals are suspended and replaced by the people’s justice.

Art. 3 The payment of taxes and mortgages is suspended. Taxes are replaced by the contributions of federated communes, levied against the rich classes proportional to the needs of the salvation of France..

Art. 4 The state, having been deposed, can no longer intervene in the payment of private debts.

Art. 5 All existing municipal organizations are annulled and replaced in all the federated communes by Committees for the Salvation of France, which will exercise all powers under the immediate control of the people..

Art. 6 Each committee in the capital city of a department will send two delegates to form the Revolutionary Convention for the salvation of France.

Art. 7 This convention will immediately meet at the Lyons town hall, being the second city of France and that most able to energetically provide for the defense of the country.

This Convention, supported by the entire people, will save France.


E-B Saignes, Rivière, Deville, Rajon (of Tarare) Francois Favre, Louis Palix, B. Placet, Blanc (G), Ch. Beauvoir, Albert Richard, J. Bischoff, Doublé, H. Bourron, M. Bakunin, Parraton, A. Guillermet, Coignet ainé, P-J Pulliat, Latour, Guillo, savigny, J. Germain, F. Charvet, A. Bastelica (of Marseilles), Dupin (of St. Etienne), Narcisse Barret